Importance of Cleaning Winter Clothes Coming Out of Storage

It’s time to trade your bathing suits and tank tops for heavy sweaters and warm hats. As the seasons change, so does our wardrobe. That means it’s time to take your winter clothes out of storage. Winter gear like hats, scarves, gloves, and jackets need a little extra TLC because they are often made of materials like wool, down, and heavy synthetic fibers that can get finicky in the wash. When switching from your summer to your winter clothes, it’s essential to wash each item to avoid stains, discoloration, musty scents, and even bugs! Below our experts have compiled a list of winter gear care tips—from refreshing wool items to tackling tough stains. 

Washing Stored Clothes

Did you know dirt, dust, perfume, and other particles left on your clothes for months in storage can cause stains and discoloration, amongst other issues? To get your winter gear crisp, fresh, soft, and stain-free, try incorporating these laundry tips: 

Winter Fabrics

Your winter clothes are made from stronger, warmer materials designed to withstand snow, wind, and cold temperatures. Washing stored clothes made from fabrics like wool and down can be harder to get right. Before you begin, check the care label on your winter gear; this instruction tag will guide you on best practices for washing your clothes. You’ll probably want to hand wash heavy coats and jackets with a mild detergent unless the care tag says otherwise. 

Tackle Tough Stains

Even if you washed your winter clothes before storage, stains and discoloration can still be a problem. Any particles or debris left on your clothing or in the storage box can cause yellow stains and discoloration over time. Before wearing them, take your clothes to a laundromat. If you’re searching for a laundromat near me that specializes in the care of winter gear, look no further than The Laundry Cafe. Our team is familiar with the best products used on winter fabrics and can ensure every piece is treated with the care to safely and efficiently remove tough stains and discoloration.   


Depending on the fabric, you’ll need to decide if air drying or a low, gentle cycle is best for your winter clothes. Sweaters, hats, and gloves made from cotton or other durable materials should be fine in the dryer, just check the care tag before tossing them inside. Wool should never be machine washed, and down requires a special drying process which consists of partial air and partial machine drying. When in doubt, if you’re refreshing wool items or down jackets, take them to The Laundry Cafe, where you can consult with a team member who will ensure your winter clothes receive the utmost care and attention.

Drop Off Wash and Fold Services With The Laundry Cafe

As we mentioned earlier, taking care of your winter gear can be challenging, so it’s always a good idea to leave it to the professionals at The Laundry Cafe. We’re experts in most fabrics and materials and utilize the best cleaning methods and the latest technology to ensure your wither clothing comes out of storage refreshed, smelling great, and stain-free. Stop by today and launder with us.

TLC Laundry